Sunday, August 26, 2007

Monday, May 28, 2007

Lost -- Season 3 Recap

Now that the 3rd Season of Lost is over (can't believe Charlie is gone... sniff sniff... or is he really?), time for a lighthearted recap.

It's a little lengthy, but trust me, it'll be much better than those "Answer" episodes.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Hope in Beatrix Potter

I saw the movie "Miss Potter" today starring Renee Zellweger and Ewan McGregor. I liked it. It wasn't a blown-away kind of like because the movie was soft and slow-moving. But I was enchanted by Beatrix Potter (Renee) each stroke as she brought each of her characters to life (literally). The animal characters she drew were her "friends". She talked to them, took walks with them, and traveled with them.

The movie was charming, whimsical, and gorgeous (shot half in Cumbria, England -- aka "the Lake District), perfect movie for a lazy Saturday afternoon to imagine fanciful escapes.

(Another destination to add on to my travel itinerary.)

Beyond the beautiful scenery and adorable drawings of animals, it was great to be reminded that a strong, independent woman can be found any time, any where. So refreshing to see a female character on screen that was portrayed as being successful AND happy just by perfecting her craft and accomplishing her ambitions without having marriage to be really the only thing that she wanted but masked behind her ambition. Recent movies about modern women seem to be taking on a trend of portraying the smart, beautiful, successful woman as someone not really content in her own shell because the success that she's achieved is all pretty empty without a man.
Don't get me wrong. I have that same empty nest syndrome from time to time especially when weddings have replaced birthday dinners/clubbing/trips as the main social events that bring me and my friends together each year. I've caught myself thinking "When is it my turn?" more times than I ought to. But then a figure like Beatrix Potter comes along and reminds you that it's not about "your turn" but rather "your time." Beatrix Potter was in her 30s when she found her 1st love (Norman Warne -- who died of leukemia before they were able to marry) and 46 when she finally married William Heelis. Marriage was not a goal or a rite of passage, but a commitment you entered into if "you loved a man and the man loves you" -- which may or may not happen. Any woman who makes a choice based on her own clock rather than anyone else's clock deserves to be applauded.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Aye-Aye, Captain!!!

This is the Aye-Aye from Madagascar. Never seen it, right? It is considered one of coolest evidence of million years of independent evolution -- but it is on the brink of extinction.

Check it out in action as it uses its extra long middle finger to grab grub out of some tree bark. The aye-aye has a reputation of being the ugliest creatures on Earth. People of Madagascar believe it to be an evil omen when they see it and try to kill it on sight -- thus, the extinction factor.

What do you think? Grotesque or cute?

The end where it munches noisely on the worm it just pulled out from the bark is kinda cute to me.... Definitely worth saving in my opinion.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Richer You Get, The Less You Give

As another friend's birthday rolls by with just a card from me (do e-cards count as real cards?), I'm left to wonder where the gift of giving has gone to in our old age. I remember when I was the poorest (high school, college, and grad school -- ok, so basically all my life except maybe the last 2 years) that I would treat my friends to extravagant birthday presents like dinners at the most expensive and posh restaurants in the city, theatre tix, designer accessories, etc. -- anything that were extraordinary to celebrate the day. Precisely because we didn't have any money at the time, these presents were seen as worthwhile, fun and indulgent.

But now that we are all in secure jobs -- some of us more secure than others, with 6 figure salaries and 5 figure bonuses -- the presents have dwindled to a card (paper), an email, or just a call that turns into a voice message or text message.

It seems like the more money we all have, the less we are giving to each other. Are we all becoming tightfisted scrooges?

Saturday, February 17, 2007

How Many Crossing?

Senate Street in downtown Indy welcomes ALL walks of life.

Compare & Contrast

It's been a year of changing seasons in Indy. Views of the lake in my "backyard" from my balcony from Summer, Winter... and more Winter. Can't wait for summer again!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Get Thee a Shovel!

So it finally happened. Exactly 1 year after I moved here -- the big storm. I was stuck at home all day yesterday-and went a little stir crazy. The lake behind me is completely frozen and all white-people have been walking across it to get to the other side! After the storm, I dug my car out today-my first attempt at being suburbia girl was pretty bad-I went out there to look at my car and realized that although the snow was up to my thighs, I didn't even have a shovel. I had to ask one of my neighbors (Strapping Young Lad #1) (hereinafter "#1") to borrow his. After 10 mins of huffing and puffing, I dug a sizable hole behind my car. Got in the car and moved the car about 1 feet before it started burning rubber. Strapping Young Lad #2 (hereinafter "#2") came over and said, "Hey, you almost got it. Just need a bit more. " And he proceeded to take my shovel from me and started shoveling! #1 came to join him 10 seconds later and helps #2 out. (What is this?) After a couple minutes of this, they both decided that the only way I was going to get out was by pushing me out. So immediately Strapping Young Lad #3 dropped his shovel and came over! Then, they all smiled, took of their coats and started singing in unison and b-bopping (oh sorry, that last bit didn't happen- been watching too much American Idol).Well, as you can imagine, I was thrilled and bewildered at this Hoosier Niceness. What the hell are they doing? Why are they doing this? So what if I am this little 5 ft 3 Asian girl in last year's bright yellow Wellies shoveling out my beat up Volkswagen with a borrowed shovel? What about me screams City Slicker exactly? And even if I did look helpless, shouldn't u just walk by with a pitiful glance and keep walking like any normal person (in New York) would do?I guess not. #1, #2, and #3 got behind my car and told me to hit it hard. It took about 10 mins of turning my wheels this way and that, backwards and forwards, some more rubber burning and steaming. But I got out!Yeah! You think with all that, I would've gone somewhere crazy and stayed out for hours on end enjoying my freedom after being cooped up in the house for 36 hours straight-no I just went and got some kitty litter, bread and fruit at the grocery store down the street. Came back in half an hour only to find that some huge black SUV had taken my spot. So I wandered about almost 5 houses down to find another snow filled parking spot - which I will probably have to dig myself out again tomorrow.