Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Aye-Aye, Captain!!!

This is the Aye-Aye from Madagascar. Never seen it, right? It is considered one of coolest evidence of million years of independent evolution -- but it is on the brink of extinction.

Check it out in action as it uses its extra long middle finger to grab grub out of some tree bark. The aye-aye has a reputation of being the ugliest creatures on Earth. People of Madagascar believe it to be an evil omen when they see it and try to kill it on sight -- thus, the extinction factor.

What do you think? Grotesque or cute?

The end where it munches noisely on the worm it just pulled out from the bark is kinda cute to me.... Definitely worth saving in my opinion.

1 comment:

chanchow said...

I say grotesque. A cross between a koala and golum. Ewe! But even ugly creatures should be protected-- he has his purpose!