Thursday, August 31, 2006

Michael is IT!

Mark my words, although we are a ways-away from the winner, final 2, or even the final 3 top designers, I'm predicting right now that Michael is going to be the undeniable winner of Project Runway Season 3. He is the most consistent designer on the show. Just take a look at all his creations at Rate the Runway. Who's your favorite?


chanchow said...

I with you on that! I've seen three episodes (the one with the recycle materials, the one where they dress up the moms, and one other) and Michael has been a standout each time. He is awesome. Seems like a decent guy, too. I haven't watched in the last couple weeks, so I don't know who else is left. I think that redhead is a real bitch. What's her damage?

JEM said...

the real asshole is the guy with all the tattoos. He's mean and insecure. The redhead has her moments. Sometimes I think she's decent, other times I think she's just snooty and being "Manhattan-ee". She got her picture in People this week because of her pregnancy.
You should watch last season. I think those characters were more real. This season, I still like the clothes, but the drama is a bit fake because they all know they have to be bitchy to get noticed.

chanchow said...

Just saw last night's show (the one where they do couture in Paris). I was worried about Michael for a minute there. Tattoo man seems to be doing well, although he is such a jerk. I'm predicting the next to go is Kayne, then the redhead.